General Legal Practice
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Or you can contact us via phone, fax, or mail:
David A. Kaminsky & Associates, P.C. 299 Broadway, Suite 1615 New York, NY 10007
Tel: +1 (212) 571-1227 Fax: +1 (212) 571-7004

Although we have an emphasis in New York real estate matters, our practice is general and we frequently handle matters that are not strictly real estate connected.
- Collections
- Contract Matters
- Personal Injury
- Business Matters
We regularly handle collection matters for both the debtor and creditor. We assist creditors in obtaining a judgment against the debtor and upon obtaining a judgment we assist in collecting the judgment. We do this through the use of supplementary proceedings, information subpoenas, post judgment depositions and other lawful methods. We can assist a debtor in a collection matter by attempting to arrange a payment schedule, a reduced payment plan, or where possible by asserting defenses on the merits of the case or through technical legal means that could possibly cause the case to be dismissed.
We handle litigations involving disputes over contracts. Common contract disputes are issues involving contracts to purchase real property where a purchaser is unable to obtain financing or clearing of other contract contingencies and seeks a return of its good faith escrow deposit. We also handle litigation between partners involving interpretation and implementation of agreements they may have among themselves.
We have a small but growing personal injury practice, and are interested in receiving more personal injury cases. If you have any personal injury that you would like to discuss with us, please contact us or call our office at 212-571-1227.
Contact David A. Kaminsky & Associates Today
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